Artist Statement
I’m an escapist, I escape from reality into the headspace of creativity and find myself exploring its depths. In my exploration, I’m experimenting in Fine Art, Multimedia Art, and Graphic Design. I’m an escapist who is an experimental artist and designer always ready to discover something new, find answers I don’t know, problem-solve, and learn. Then use all of it to create a final piece of artwork or product. When I do work for myself, I do it to express myself. When I do work for others, I do it to express others’ ideas, aspirations, and emotions. I aspire to make empathy the core of my work to make my work personalized and unique to the person I’m working for.
As empathy is the core of my work, I use it as the main driving force to produce the best work and select my materials and software based off what will create that. I use Procreate for graphic design, Adobe After Effects for motion graphics, acrylic paint and colored pencils for fine art, materials I find laying around or at thrift stores, and combine it all for multimedia art. Being an experimental artist I experiment in different softwares and mediums as I’m creatively curious in all things art and design. The only way to successfully work for others is to design with an empathetic approach. By doing my work this way it allows me to create something unique and personalized specifically to them.
My work grew from drawing to exploring other forms of art and from there into exploring design. I began my work with the intention to escape reality and express myself, but when I started creating art for others, I wanted to bring others' ideas to life. My creative curiosity has led me into wanting to make a career out of this and by doing this I’m exploring the love I have for the many forms of artistry and design as well as bringing others’ ideas, aspirations, and emotions to life.
Design Manifesto
Here is my Design Manifesto. These are my core beliefs in the work that I do.