Soul Search - Mental Health App
This is an interaction design project about a mental health app called Soul Search. I wanted to create an app that would support mental health and help those struggling. The app has multiple features including a social app. The app is built to be a self-help app where people struggling can have a way of getting help themselves.
UTD Clubs App
This was a group project using the design research method. I was leader of the group and was a project manager. The assignment was to create an app for students. After doing interviews with students we came to the conclusion that students wanted a way of joining school clubs easier. We came up with UTD Clubs.
The Battle
This was a project done using Twine. It's a story for mental health awareness. I wanted to show people what goes through someone's mind who is mentally ill. The poems and journal excerpts are my own but the last poem, so they aren't just made up, but when I struggled myself years ago.
Dessert - Game
Desserts was a game I made in my Animation and Game Fundamentals class. It's a project I worked on over the semester. I decided to do a dessert theme and create a fun, light atmosphere.